Heroic Renewal: Heroes regenerate. Hyperion is a Cosmic Champion. Two years after the character's first appearance, a heroic version appeared as a founding member of the alternate-reality Squadron Supreme. This causes Hyperion (on his counterpart's advice)[39] to rethink his ideas about power, humanity, and teamwork, leading him to surrender to the Squadron from his world. (Marvel, Earth-13034) 138 results ; 1; 2; 3; Bossmountain. He is amajor antagonist in Season 1 and Season 2. His teammate Power Princess tried to teach him what he had "forgotten." En réalité, il s'agit d'un super-méchant à la fois fort et dangereux, qui a détruit son propre monde et est venu sur Terre en quête d'une autre planète à conquérir et à contrôler. Two years later, Thomas and penciller John Buscema created an alternate, heroic version of the Squadron Sinister called the Squadron Supreme, once again in the title The Avengers,[5] using characters with the same names as those of the Squadron Sinister (this caused confusion in Marvel's production department, as the covers of Avengers #85 and #141 claimed the issues featured appearances by the Squadron Sinister when it was in fact the Squadron Supreme that appeared in both issues). [33] As Hyperion discovers that he has been systematically lied to his entire life,[34] he becomes disillusioned with the government and eventually openly rebels. However, in book 19 of Homer's Iliad, Hyperion … [2], Hyperion was released from his glass prison by Nebulon, an alien from the race of beings known as Ul'lula'ns , who was in search of worlds with useful mineral resources. 1 Personal Characteristics 2 Summary 3 Mentality 4 Stats 5 Powers and Abilities 6 Arsenal Name: Marcus Milton, "Hyperion" Origin: Marvel Comics Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Eternal Height: Weight: Allies: Enemies: The super-being that would become known as Hyperion came to Earth as a baby, sent as the only survivor of the race of Eternals from a dying world. As an adult, he became the super hero known as Hyperion, and protected the world along a team of super humans known as the Squadron Supreme. Hyperion exhibits invulnerability. Looking for a fourth member, and with the original Hyperion in mind, it was then that the Grandmaster created his own version of Hyperion out of extradimensional matter, gifting him with similar superhuman powers and artificial memories. [22] He becomes trapped in an inter-dimensional zone and is impersonated by the Squadron Sinister Hyperion (Zhib-Ran). Hyperion was programmed to be a mild-mannered man raised by farmers who had the strength of an Eternal. [9] The Squadron reappears in the title Defenders, reunited by the alien Nebulon. As an adult, he became the super hero known as Hyperion, and protected the world along a team of super humans known as the Squadron Supreme. Most of the alternate Hyperions' powers and vitality are diminished when exposed to "argonite radiation", the equivalent of Superman's kryptonite. However, shed used the Nth Projector to return to Amazonia, and Hyperion followed her through the interdimensional nexus just before a self-destruct mechanism destroyed the device. Nighthawk later shoots Hyperion with an argonite gun, and holds his own in a fight with him using Doctor Spectrum's power prism until Hyperion is so weakened by the argonite that Nighthawk simply strangles him to death with his bare hands. In this article the following characters, or teams, and realities are referred to: Hyperion appears as an unlockable character in the Facebook game, Hyperion appears as an unlockable character in the IOS/Android game, The Earth-13034 version of Hyperion appears as a playable character in the IOS/Android game, This page was last edited on 3 February 2021, at 05:21. After the Grandmaster won the contest, the original Squadron expressed unwillingness to participate in any future game. The Grandmaster increases the Squadron Sinister's powers and they battle the New Thunderbolts. He is currently a member of the Cabal. Hyperion is a member of the Cabal and leader of the Squadron Supreme. Hyperion can use the ability of flight. Hyperion is the father of Eos, Helios, and Selene by Theia, the Titaness of sight and enlightenment. [8], Meanwhile, the original Hyperion and Master Menace joined forces and returned to their Earth, where the two Hyperions fought to the death. Hyperion and the Squadron Supreme of America fight an army of Rock Trolls and Frost Giants. The original Hyperion made his debut in The Avengers #69 (Oct. 1969), created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Sal Buscema. in his reality, almost all superheroes perished in a nuclear attack by Earth's governments. Supreme Righteous Flying Cost and Requirements: Complete Atomic Collection Gender: Male Carries Metal? An all-powerful super-being named Hyperion arrives to save the Earth. Hyperion | Marvel Database | Fandom. Hyperion attacked them, but was eventually convinced by the Vision to find the scientists responsible for the destruction of Yttrium so he could prevent them from doing the same to another world, instead of mercilessly destroying the Earth. In the 12-issue Squadron Supreme limited series (Sept. 1985 - Aug. 1986) Mark Gruenwald picked up from where Earth-712 was last seen in Defenders #114 and revealed this Hyperion's origins. Hyperion agreed and took the place of the heroic Hyperion and feigned amnesia. Hyperion orders his computer Quagmire his history where he tried to stop the full corruption of his planet and failed. [19] The Defenders travel to their world to fight the villain Overmind and his ally Null, the Living Darkness, who have placed the Squadron under their control. Hyperion is successful and goes on an eating rampage, but eventually dies of mad cow disease, which he contracts when eating cattle. Hyperion Cantos, the series of novels that started with Hyperion Hyperion (magazine) , a 1908–1910 German literary journal Hyperion (comics) , the name of several characters in the Marvel Comics universe A human named Father raised him under the name of Marcus Milton, teaching him the morals of society. [56], Another version of Hyperion appears on Battleworld during Secret Wars in the four issue mini-series Squadron Sinister. Hyperion (comics), the name of several characters in the Marvel Comics universe; Music. The resulting energy of his exploding planet gave "Zhib-Ran" his superhuman powers, and after drifting helplessly in the void, the Grandmaster "rescued" him from certain death and took him to his own universe. Forum Posts. Register Start a Wiki. Marvel Database. It follows a similar structure to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.The next book in the series was The Fall of Hyperion, published in 1990. Avengers, Squadron Supreme . [14] After a battle to the death with Nighthawk and the Redeemers, a team formed to stop the domineering Squadron, Hyperion relents and relinquishes power. [43] Hyperion was with the Avengers when A.I.M. ... Captain Marvel: 11% chance to appear when attacking. They soon battled the Defenders, but were once again defeated. Bio : Lorsque Hypérion était enfant, il fut envoyé sur Terre, dernier survivant d'une race appelée les Éternels. The energy, magnified through the rift, caused Yttrium to explode. Hyperion arrived on Earth as it was threatened by large meteors (implied to be the remains of Hyperion's planet). Hyperion was in the captivity of A.I.M. Hyperion is one of the many antiheroes in Marvel Comics. Nighthawk is a Marvel Comicssupervillain who was the leader of the Squadron Supreme. Each also has greatly enhanced sensory perceptions, which extends to being able to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum (IR, UV vision; radio hearing and radar)[citation needed] and "atomic vision" - the equivalent of Superman's x-ray vision. The Grandmaster, one of the Elders of the Universe, once traveled to Earth-712, inhabited by the Squadron Supreme, and there he challenged the time-traveling Scarlet Centurion to a contest. Wiki Points. Hyperion can use a heat beam. 1 Bio 2 Stats 3 Abilities 3.1 Signature Ability 3.2 Special Attacks 4 Strengths and Weaknesses 4.1 Strengths 4.2 Weaknesses 4.3 Recommended Masteries 5 Trivia 6 External links 7 References 8 Navigation An infant cast into space, Hyperion was the only … 5, https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Hyperion_(Squadron_Sinister)_(Earth-616)?oldid=5497128, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Hyperion was created as a pastiche of DC Comics', Unofficial Handbook of the Marvel Universe. AVENGERS", Grant Morrison's "multiversity": His new comics universe doesn't include a single straight white male, http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/1004/23/index.htm, "ENTERING MARVEL CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS: HYPERION", Hyperion (Squadron Supreme of America version), Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hyperion_(comics)&oldid=1004558462, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Marvel stories take place primarily in a mainstream continuity called the. [29], This Hyperion was sent to Earth in a spacecraft, and seized shortly after by U.S. government agents who raised him in a tightly controlled, isolated environment. [18], Hyperion and the Squadron Supreme are manipulated by the Serpent Crown into battling the Avengers. Thomas says that the character was intended as a pastiche of DC's iconic hero Superman.[2]. [57], Interview with Roy Thomas and Jerry Bails in, The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe, "Jonathan Hickman Brings the World to Marvel NOW! [24] The team encounters the hero Quasar, and take up residence at the government facility Project Pegasus. Hyperion's powers would be greatly diminished if he were exposed to lead isotopes. Hyperion, no longer believing he was an alien whose world had been destroyed, adopted the name of Mr. Kant and became the manager of the Arnold Columbo Health Spa in Queens, New York. All versions of Hyperion possess superhuman strength, stamina, speed, durability, flight, and in a few cases powerful breath. The first iteration of Hyperion, created by Roy Thomas and Sal Buscema, debuted in The Avengers #69 as a member of the Squadron Sinister. 1 Background 2 Powers & Abilities 3 Feats 3.1 Strength 3.2 Speed 3.3 Durability 3.4 Skill 4 Weaknesses 5 Fun Facts The super-being that would become known as Hyperion came to Earth as a baby, sent as the only survivor of the race of Eternals from a dying world. He was particularly adapt at using a sort of freestyle technique combined with street fighting techniques that allowed him to make full use of his powers in battle. Hyperion (Zhib-Ran) is apparently brought from a microverse. Hyperion is a Hugo Award-winning 1989 science fiction novel by American writer Dan Simmons.It is the first book of his Hyperion Cantos.The plot of the novel features multiple time-lines and characters. [54], Scientists in the mainstream 616 reality graft the DNA of the Earth-712 Squadron Supreme members to normal human corpses and zap them with radiation in an attempt to create a Squadron Supreme for their reality. A human named Father raised him under the name of Marcus Milton, teaching him the morals of society. [49], During the War of the Realms storyline, Mark was teaching a class when a code red was issued. This new incarnation of the Squadron Supreme are more dangerous than the Earth-712 and Supreme Power versions as they swear to protect Earth by any means necessary. [53] He is soon brought down by Ghost, who uses the nanites in King Hyperion's spine to dose him with argonite. This is a lie, and he turns on the Thunderbolts during their first mission together. Hickman described the decision to use a new Hyperion, rather than an existing one: This is yet another parallel universe Hyperion. Also called Flash Vision. The decaying particles of the isotopes dampened the quasi-nuclear energy reactions within his body. [6] This iteration received a spinoff miniseries, Supreme Power: Hyperion, which showed a dystopian possible future. The Defenders traveled to the Arctic and engaged the villains in battle. Ayant été séduit par les capacités des membres du Suprême Escadron de la Terre-712 lors d’un tournoi avec le Centurion écarlate, le Grand Maître, un Doyen de l’Univers obsédé par le jeu, tenta de convaincre ceci de devenir ses champions sur une base permanente. *NOTE - This Hyperion is not to be confused with the Hyperion from Earth-712, the Grandmaster created Hyperion from Earth-616, the prime Marvel Universe, the Hyperion who was a part of the multiversal Heralds on Earth X, or King Hyperion who has fought with the Exiles on a few occasions. Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. Hyperion then hears of trouble on the bridge and heads there. Hyperion is an Atlantean Heroic Age minor god in Age of Mythology: The Titans. [40] Emil Burbank later deduces that it was not an alternate world they traveled to, but their own future; Burbank tells no one of his discovery. Voice Actor(s) Travis WillinghamBrian Bloom Mark Milton, also known as Hyperion, never appeared in the Marvel Animated Universe. I'd also argue the 1610 versions of marvel … [volume & issue needed] King Hyperion is then exiled to his home reality, where Earth was completely destroyed by nuclear weapons in an attempt to destroy him years prior. King Hyperion was a member of the reality-hopping team known as Weapon X. With this new team, the Grandmaster traveled to the future time period of Kang the Conqueror (a temporal counterpart of the Scarlet Centurion) and challenged him. The villains receive greater power in exchange for the planet Earth, and create a giant laser cannon in the Arctic to melt the polar ice caps, which would cover the entire planet in water. 1 Personal Characteristics 2 Summary 3 Mentality 4 Stats 5 Powers and Abilities 6 Arsenal Name: Marcus Milton, "Hyperion" Origin: Marvel Comics Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Eternal Height: Weight: Allies: Enemies: The super-being that would become known as Hyperion came to Earth as a baby, sent as the only survivor of the race of Eternals from a dying world. Claims to have defeated multiple alternate versions of Thor, Hulk, Sentry and Blue Marvel; Notable Attacks/Techniques: Atomic Vision: Hyperion is able to fire beams of intense heat from his eyes. The Squadron Sinister Hyperion then impersonates the Squadron Supreme Hyperion for several weeks before dying in battle against the original. When this version of Mark Milton gained his powers, he decided to conquer and enslave his Earth. An Image Gallery for Hyperion. After a confession to Power Princess, Hyperion II died and his body liquefied.[9]. As an adult, he became the superhero named Hyperion and protected the world alongside the Squadron Supreme. Explorant diverses dimensio… until he was freed by the Avengers and offered a place amongst them. 0. scientists pulled him into the Earth-616 reality. Brown. During this short time, he met Emil Burbank, better known as Master Menace, the archenemy of the original Hyperion. @bossmountain: From my understanding that Hyperion isn't the same one that joined the Avengers in the 616 universe ( the one in the picture). The super-being that would become known as Hyperion came to Earth as a baby, sent as the only survivor of the race of Eternals from a dying world. Hyperion somehow became aware that Thia was not by his side in Tartarus. Final issue is #6. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Father would teach him right from wrong, good from evil, instilling in him a set of morals which would guide him into using his incredible powers as a sworn protector of our world. The bodies are reanimated as zombies, and, believing themselves to be the original Squadron Supreme, they attempt to escape the lab facility. "Hyperion" is the 7th episode of the first season of Avengers Assemble, and the 7th of the overall series. In this contest, both would chose a team of champions to engage in combat with one another. The others are Howard the Duck and Thane. , a new Hyperion, never appeared in the title Defenders, reunited the. Followers including a group of similarly powered self-righteous extremists called the Legion of the to.: 27 Jul 2016 Hyperion # 5: 27 Jul 2016 Hyperion # 5: 27 Jul 2016 #. When the Grandmaster used the Squadron Supreme Grandmaster increases the hyperion marvel wiki Sinister Hyperion ( ). 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