Visitors and residents were prohibited from approaching the crater within a 5-km radius. "A mud flow in Padansari village on Thursday [13 February] washed away two houses and two bridges, although no casualties were reported . According to an advisory issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, ash had reached 13 kilometers (45,000 feet) in altitude, prompting the closure of several airports. Indonesia. Peaks of pre-eruptive seismicity occurred during 15-16 and 28 January, and 2-13 February. 36 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia (URL:; CIMSS (NOAA's Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies), University of Wisconsin – Madison's Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) (URL:; NOAA Satellite and Information Service, Automated OMI SO2 Alert System, High SO2 Concentration Areas (URL:; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (URL:; European Space Agency (URL:; West Australian (Perth) news (URL:; Sydney Morning Herald (URL:; Andersen, Oystein Lund (URL:; IAVCEI Remote Sensing Commission website (URL:; and Simon Carn, Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technical University, Houghton, MI. Reference. Pyroclastic flows traveled [5-6] km down the steep-walled valley on the E flank (from the breach in the summit crater), filling it to a depth of ~10 m. The crater lake was emptied during the eruption. Maar. Connect with: Register or Login. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. Information Contacts: Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (URL:; Daniel P. Quinn (URL: One example of this kind of study (figure 3) presents various heat and mass-balance factors in a model of Kelut's lake (Bernard and Mazot, 2004). 2006: May Bernard noted that dome growth had seemingly ceased by April 2008. Observations of video footage from a camera on 25 November revealed that the lava dome was still active. *Both VSI's estimate of tephra volume (>100 x 106 m3) and measurements of eruption cloud height meet the criteria of Newhall and Self (1982) for a VEI of 4. According to Alain Bernard, the lava dome that extruded in late 2007 (BGVN 33:03) continued to increase in size until it covered much of the crater lake and it rose to overwhelm the drainage inlets. Kelud volcano (also spelled Kelut) is one of East Java's most active volcanoes. Thouret J-C, Abdurachman K E, Bourdier J-L, Bronto S, 1998. Get your answers by asking now. Using infrared satellite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, scientists at the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawai'i, developed an automated system called MODVOLC to map thermal hot-spots in near real time. Other articles where Mount Kelud is discussed: Indonesia: Volcanoes: Mount Kelud (5,679 feet [1,731 metres]), near Kediri in eastern Java, can be particularly devastating, because the water in its large crater lake is thrown out during eruption, causing great mudflows that rush down into the plains and sweep away all that is before them. There had been earlier attempts because of the known frequency of … NASA reported that satellite images showed the Kelut eruption about 2 hours later on 13 February 2014 at ~2315 local time (1615 UTC). An ash plume on 18 May 2006 allegedly reached an altitude of 5.5 km. However, seismicity and hydrophone noise declined that day and remained relatively quiet until the onset of the eruption. Lutfi was reported to have stated further that the "impact of Mount Kelud's eruption will extend far beyond the initial cleanup efforts. Ash plumes rose to an altitude of 17 km (55,800 ft) a.s.l. After their first contact with the water, some of those descending traces also seemingly shattered and bounced, producing one or more secondary arcs (akin to a skipping stone). Expand each entry for additional details. CVGHM reported that the Alert Level for Kelut remained at 4 (on a scale of 1-4) during 17-23 October. 2001: January This is several degrees warmer than the typical water temperature of 43.0°C. Asked by Wiki User. The Alert Level remained at 4 (on a scale of 1-4). No further reports were issued through at least May 2003. A few undated photos showed a mildly explosive phase. An 18 February report noted that a total of seven people in Malang had died, and that the ashfall had affected cattle health and dairy production, farms, and the water supply. Convergent. These data suggested that the magmatic pressure decreased within the volcano therefore greatly reducing the likelihood of a violent explosion. No changes had been seen; occasional diffuse white plumes rose 50-150 above the crater. This eruption was the world's largest during the 20th century and produced a voluminous rhyolitic airfall tephra and the renowned Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS) ash flow. A. Morphology Kelud This volcano is included in the type stratovulkan (strato-volcano) with characteristics of an explosive eruption. About 15 cm of ash accumulated at Blitar, ~25 km SW of the summit. Later analysis found a small low altitude plume as early as 1540 UTC (2240 local time) at Kelut on the MTSAT-1R satellite; this is the earliest reported start time for the eruption. The passively emplaced lava dome evaporated and displaced most or all of the crater lake. This corresponded to the CO2 flux mentioned above, a sudden jump in seismicity on 10 September (figure 7), and changes in both lake temperature and color, which shifted from its usual green, becoming yellow in some areas and blue-white in others. Pungent odors were absent during his visit. 0 0 They were studied by members of the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI), Alain Bernard, and colleagues. What are the release dates for The Wonder Pets - 2006 Save the Ladybug? Wiki User Answered . According to a news article, about 50,000 people evacuated on 16 October. According to news articles, carbon dioxide and other gases emitted from Kelut reached 7 times normal levels. . Observations, stratigraphy and eruptive processes of the 1990 eruption of Kelut volcano, Indonesia: J. Volcanol. A. Morphology Kelud This volcano is included in the type stratovulkan (strato-volcano) with characteristics of an explosive eruption. The Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI) released new information revealing that temperatures actually began to rise as of 8 January 2001, rather than on 19 February as disclosed in a previous report (BGVN 25:12). In Nglegok (~55 km SW of the volcano) residents reported falls of fist-sized tephra, with some material that was head-sized. Keloet. 2007-2008 deformation. During 16-22 January, seismographs recorded 20 tectonic earthquake events. The Head of the Malang Disaster Mitigation Agency, Hafi Lutfi, said rain had triggered landslides that damaged several sections of mountain road. High in silica, vapor, and other gases, hence the eruption types of these volcnoes are highly explosive. After January 2008, thermal alerts had been absent as late as 27 April 2012. Information Contacts: Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Saut Simatupang, 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (URL:; Alain Bernard, Free University of Brussels, CP 160/02, 50, avenue F, Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (URL:; Relief Web, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Resident Coordinator's Office, Jakarta, Indonesia (URL:,; Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, Northern Territory 0811, Australia (URL:; Tom Pfeiffer, Volcano Discovery (URL:; Daniel Brazilier, France. Crater lake temperature about 4°C above normal. After more than 200 deaths in the 1966 eruption, a new deeper tunnel was constructed, and the lake's volume before the 1990 eruption was only about 1 million cubic meters. Alzwar M, 1985. Newhall, C.G., and Self, S., 1982, The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI): an estimate of explosive magnitude for historical volcanism: JGR (Oceans and Atmospheres), v. 87, no. Tom Pfeiffer took a series of remarkable photos on 29-30 November 2007, documenting a surprisingly large and clearly fast-growing dome. The press reported on 26 November that four people had recently been killed by lahars that overflowed a river channel in the Blitar region (~30 km S of the summit). A lake still existed at that point. In Figure 18, a plane, service vehicle, and boarding area are shown covered by ash at Yogyakarta airport, 215 km E of Kelut. . By 0600 the number of displaced people reached 100,248, but the report also noted that activity had declined. Kelud mountain have a history, it's one of a mountain that it's vulcanic ash can reach thousands kilometers There is a nice place to have lunch, with kinds of flowers and really nice view before reach the mountains. Volcano question!!! All four victims lived within 7 km of Kelut in the regency of Malang, an area that received ashfall up to 20 cm thick. Courtesy of CVGHM. A strong explosive eruption on 10 February produced a large cloud and heavy tephra falls. Kelut's 1000 AD eruption is the oldest historically recorded in Indonesia. Information Contacts: Alain Bernard, Free University of Brussels, CP 160/02, 50, avenue F, Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (URL:; Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Saut Simatupang, 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (URL: Fieldwork is also performed to measure the flux of CO2 emitted at the lake surface (figure 5). | August A large portion of this material bounced downslope into the steaming lake. Table 3 also portrays the available early 2014 seismic data from CVGHM, but it can be hard to see the aforementioned detail because the various entries on table's rows generally summarize multiple days and some of the time intervals differ. and ashfall was reported in several areas. Decreasing thermal alerts in 2008 and an early 2011 photo. Who doesn't love being #1? After a 1919 eruption that left 5,000 dead, an engineering project attempted to drain the lake to minimize the threat during future eruptions. The dome rose rapidly above the lake, building a steep construct surrounded by a placid but dwindling lake. Register to join beta. Bernard's team modified a technique initially developed for monitoring the flux of gases in soil (Chiodini and others, 1996), applying this method by means of the floating accumulation chamber at multiple sites. On 23 October there was a brief noting evidence from a satellite of a eruption (to ~ 6 km altitude) but ground observers suggested that it was a meteorological cloud. Continued fumarolic activity; 1991 pyroclastic-flow deposits to 400°C; small rain-induced lahars. Reports also noted tremor was common during 24 October through 4 November. Around this time the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) had reduced to 100,248 people who had evacuated and camped across the province in 172 IDP camps set up to cater for their basic needs. The volcano and lake are among the most historically active and dangerous in Indonesia (Thouret and others, 1998). According to Volcano Discovery, “3 people were killed and 11 injured by ballistic blocks ejected by an explosion that occurred at about 1pm local time on 6 September 1979.”They also explain, “2 tourists were killed by volcanic gas 100m south of the rim of Crater 1 on 23 November 1997. The CO2 flux from the lake's surface was measured by IR spectrophotometry using a Dr?ger Polytron instrument. Mount Kelud erupted in Indonesia at 22:50 (local time) on 13 February. During 3-10 February 2014, seismic activity at Kelut was dominated by both shallow and deep volcanic earthquakes; some hypocenters were 3 km below the summit. CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation). There is data available for 41 Holocene eruptive periods. This initial effort lowered the lake by more than 50 m, but the 1951 eruption deepened the crater by 70 m, leaving 50 million cubic meters of water after repair of the damaged drainage tunnels. The extent of the lake on the dome's W and SW sides was unclear from his perspective. A 1586 eruption may have had a VEI of 5; an estimated 10,000 people died in lahars. On 9 June, CVGHM reported that the Alert Level for Kelut was lowered to 1 (on a scale of 1-4). Pitaloka, D.A., 2014 (24 February), Torrential Rain Worsens Kelud Misery, Jakarta Globe (URL: He was struck by the observation "that the lake was simply there and NOT boiling. Res., 65: 135-146. Sudradjat, Adjat, 1991, A preliminary account of the 1990 eruption of the Kelut volcano: Geol. The figures are expected to increase once a more thorough assessment is made. Additional lahars the next day moved downslope at ~45 km/hour, destroying hundreds of hectares of agricultural land. More like a very fine smoke…" The smoke cleared within a few minutes and Craig noted that the pilot announced that "it was a volcanic ash cloud and that 'no one was aware of it in the area.'" This powerful eruption produced a spectacular vertical ash column that penetrated the equatorial troposphere and reached an altitude of 26 km into the stratosphere (Fig. During 29-30 November the still-erupting dome was stable. Click on the index link or scroll down to read the reports. The UN report cited Indonesian media as stating that an eruption could affect as many as ~ 290,000 people (figure 8). Sources: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known as CVGHM); Associated Press. Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report, Eruptions, Earthquakes & Emissions Application, Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG, also known as CVGHM), Badan Nacional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), Department of Mineral Sciences Rock and Ore collection, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO), Large Magnitude Explosive Volcanic Eruptions (LaMEVE), Volcano Global Risk Identification and Analysis Project (VOGRIPA), Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA), Shallow/deep volcanic earthquakes (VB / VA), Deep/local tectonic earthquakes (TJ) (nr-none reported), Kloet | Keloet | Coloot | Kelud | Keluit | Keloed, The IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazards and Risk has a, Middle InfraRed Observation of Volcanic Activity (. 2001 ; no activity reported of features appear indented below the primary name often associated with molten lava into. 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