Gambia. In our days more and more African countries accept English as an official language. However, the top 10 best English speaking countries in Africa is rank from Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Seychelles and others. While English is the main language that is used for educational purposes, Kinyarwanda is the leading national language in the country. English is the official language and there is a need for education particularly for grammar and reading skills. From the forty perceived dialects that are spoken in the East African country, English is still the official language of the nation. Africa has been the hub of diversity for a very long time now. Ghana has an adult literacy rate of 76.6% while Nigeria has an adult literacy rate of 59.6%. The administrative structure of the nation is divided into three major zones with three major languages dominating. Tunisia is such a wonderful tourist destination, with its whitewatershed communities along the Mediterranean sea. The language was introduced in the country during the colonial period (The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan). English native speakers amount to 13% of the whole Union … In Africa, English and French are spoken almost everywhere in Africa. It is in the Southern part of the continent. Meanwhile, this ranking is clearly based on the African countries with the highest literacy rates. A greater part of the populace communicates in and comprehends the language. The University of South Africa is a top university founded in 1873. The best English speaking countries in Africa 2020 is Uganda. Zambia. Kenya. Tunisia's liberal strategy, coupled with investments in education and infrastructure, fueled … The people of Benin speak Fon, Ge, Bariba, Yoruba, and Dendi, as well. Having obtained B.A in Philosophy, ST Jairus is a lover of wisdom, digital marketer/blogger, content creator, songwriter/singer with many music and videos to his name. Mind you, most of these commenters are men. The list we provided here are the full list of African countries where English is an official language that is, English language used in citizen interactions with government officials. These countries despite their strong traditional accent, they are credited for taking the spot for constructing good sentences that are grammatically flawless in English language. The English language was presented by the British in the colonial rule of the country; from the time of colonization till independence in 1965. The European Union is a supranational union composed of 28 member states. There are 60 other languages and dialects spoken among the population, Please do not forget to like, share and comment for more interesting write-ups, Content created and supplied by: Jonnexgh (via Opera News ), Thanks for clicking this article, Dear reader, before you glance through, kindly spare me few seconds of your precious time to follow me fore more news by clicking on the, Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. English ventured into Eritrea during the subsequent World War. Swahili together with the British language, English are the official language of Tanzania. The combined total English-speaking population (2012) is 256,876,220 (out of a total population of 500,000,000, i.e. Tourism is a real contributor to the country’s growing and developing economy. However, Individuals are knowledgeable in the English language as it is the language of the business, training, and the media. Higher-ranked countries tend to have higher degrees of press freedom, access to information about public expenditure, stronger standards of integrity for public officials, and independent judicial systems. The official dialects of Mauritius are French and English. Due to its lower crime rate, the number of annual tourists visiting Ghana is roughly 950,000 and is expected to grow to 1.5 million by the year 2024. ; Non-sovereign entities are not included: Nevertheless. One of the most recognizable places is Zuma rock which is a monolith reaching a height of 725 meters … Another English speaking country in the west of the continent. Uganda has been named the best English Speaking country in Africa.English is Uganda’s official language and the language of instruction in schools and institutions in the country. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. Not only is it an ancient city, it’s also one that’s comfortable with the 21st century. The living cost in this city is relatively fair, again speaking to most retirement budgets, with a three-course meal for two going for as low as 369.41 South African Rands, and the rent for a three bedroom in expensive areas goes for 10,343.44 -12,412.13 Rands, the equivalent of $706.55- $847.86 or €631.15- €757.38 a month. Teachers will find that despite the country’s tumultuous, political past, the Namibian people are very welcoming. Here we have the list of anglophone countries in Africa. Ghana (/ ˈ ɡ ɑː n ə / ()), officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country along the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean, in the subregion of West Africa.Spanning a land mass of 238,535 km 2 (92,099 sq mi), Ghana is bordered by the Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, Togo in the east, the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean in the south. This language has been important in Singapore since 1819, when British colonialists established a trading post here. It has replaced its bureaucratic stru… The American Colonization Society (ACS) involved black volunteers to colonize Library. This language has been important in Singapore since 1819, when British colonialists established a trading post here. Likewise a nation with three authority dialects including Arabic, Tigrigna, and English, the language in spoken by many. Other major innate languages within these zones include; Ibibio, Urhobo, Edo, Kanuri and Fulani among others. Presently, English is used uniformly in the nation. The English language was inherited by the Ghanaians from the British in the colonial era. The study also […] English Language Schools Directory. The country is landlocked and is known to have a diverse landscape which covers the Rwenzori Mountains with their snowy tips, and also, the very large Lake Victoria. Before which the German colonized the nation for three decades. 5. Nigeria occupies third position as the best English speaking nation in Africa. The primary local language is Nyanja. With diversity, there also comes a great number of languages. Uganda, a country located in Eastern part of Africa, has been named the best English-speaking country on the continent. 100+Most Interesting Facts About Africa That Will Amaze You. Over 30,000 expats call Egypt, particularly Cairo, a home away from the home—if you choose to work there, you’ll be in good company. There are eleven government-sponsored languages in Ghana but English remains the language of the State and its commonly used Lingua Franca. Can you name the best English speaking countries in Africa. “Just Landed”, an online travel guide platform opines that a majority of the population are observed to be speaking a form of ‘Twi’ family. Nigeria occupies third position as the best English speaking nation in Africa. The English language is the official language of the Gambians. The living cost in this city is relatively fair, again speaking to most retirement budgets, with a three-course meal for two going for as low as 369.41 South African Rands, and the rent for a three bedroom in expensive areas goes for 10,343.44 -12,412.13 Rands, the equivalent of $706.55- $847.86 or €631.15- €757.38 a month. In a continent as ethnically and culturally diverse as Africa, it comes as no surprise that the literature that has emerged from it be equally diverse and multifaceted. This is the most popular country in Africa among Westerners. 1 Like March 4th, 2017. Africa as the second largest continent in the world, With a shooting population of over 1.3 billion people and 54 countries also has one the top English-speaking countries in the World. The individuals of Malawi communicate in Chewa and English as their official dialects. With this directory, you can search for and contact schools to connect with the job you want. French is the official language of this country of 11 million people. 51%) including 65,478,252 native speakers and 191,397,968 non-native speakers, and would be ranked 2nd if it were included. This is a list of countries where: English is considered to be the official language ; or the de facto language, that is the language used by the majority of speakers but not considered the official language. There are numerous dialects verbally used in Cameroon, yet these two are the main official ones. There are various ethnic groups in Kenya which prefer native language. However, like the situation with Ghana, Nigeria is often criticized for heavy dialects, and some sources do not include our country on the list of the best English speaking countries in Africa. ; Non-sovereign entities are not included: This report is a key resource for any business, government, organisation or institution that will find value in country-specific and comparative assessments of African countries. However, the US Department of State has issued a Level 4 Travel Warning encouraging people not to visit the country at the moment due to civil unrest.. With so many African countries to visit, … The African country, Uganda, comes in at number one on the list of best English speaking countries in Africa. It is the largest university in Africa and annually attracts one-third of university students in South Africa because the school operates as … List of Profitable Business Opportunities in Angola [Complete Guide]. Shona and Sindebele, both Bantu languages are also ordinarily spoken as native languages in the country. January 25, 2021 by webmaster The new coronavirus spreads through droplets, which are produced when someone sneezes, coughs or talks. However, like the situation with Ghana, Nigeria is often criticised for heavy dialects, and some sources do not include our country on the list of the best English speaking countries in Africa. 2) Ghana. And since the country was founded, English has remained the prominent language spoken among the people. The nation has three authorized dialects among which one is English. If you're planning a trip to Africa, it's a good idea to research both the official language and the lingua franca of the country or region you're traveling to.That way, you can attempt to learn a few keywords or phrases before you go. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA – SOUTH AFRICA. If you are close to someone when this happens, you could breathe in the virus. It comes in as the 8th best English-speaking nation in Africa. As recorded by World-Atlas, about 18% of the population of the Gambia speak Wolof as a first language. Rwanda is one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies with growth averaging more than 6 per cent every year since the turn of the century. The country is located in Southeast Africa. They are commonly used as a means of overall communication, mainly when dealing with education, judicial, and business matters. This country was a British colony until 1965, with English serving as the official language of government, administration, and business. During the period of colonial rule of the British, English became the official language of the country. Top 10 Best English Speaking Countries In Africa By Sherif January 27, 2021 Africa 4 Comments The continent of Africa holds the record of being both the second largest continent in the world, after Asia, and the second more populous continent in the world, also following Asia. Sudanese women are friendly and attractive, plus English is widely spoken. Before the nation was taken by French and afterward the UK, both languages are used uniformly in the country. As a result of the impact the Bangladeshi peacekeeping force made in the country (before 2002), the government appreciated them by making Bengali the second official language of the people. How many English-speaking countries are there in Africa? English is the official language and there is a need for education particularly for grammar and reading skills. The principal language of Zambia is the English language. If you're planning a trip to Africa, it's a good idea to research both the official language and the lingua franca of the country or region you're traveling to.That way, you can attempt to learn a few keywords or phrases before you go. Broadly speaking, the literacy rate is a tool that may be used in evaluating various countries’ academic standards based on the population of educated people. English is utilized broadly and viably in numerous parts of the nation. English and Setswana are the two official language used in Botswana. Ghana This nation is located in West Africa, along with the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. South Africa is a very beautiful country which is placed in the southernmost part of Africa and is the second best English speaking country on the continent. Zimbabwe is a nation that has fifteen recognized dialects, notwithstanding English. Add to my list. Ghana is conspicuously missing in the first three best in English speaking countries in Africa according to a survey conducted by World Linguistic Society. That's not surprising at all since they always want to describe what beauty is for women. I want to point something out to everyone that is reading these responses. English is not an official language in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia―the countries where it is the native language. Because of the remnants of colonization, there are still Anglophone countries that fall on the list. English, Kinyarwanda, French, and Swahili are official languages in Rwanda. Nairobi is the capital as well as the largest city in this country. Best English Speaking Countries In Africa 2020, Best English Speaking Country In Africa 2020, English Speaking Countries In Africa And Their Capitals, English Speaking Countries In West Africa, Worst English Speaking Countries In Africa, Maternal Figures Solutions Journalism Fellowships 2021, Debt Reduction Tips – How To Reduce Debt …. The combined total English-speaking population (2012) is 256,876,220 (out of a total population of 500,000,000, i.e. The study was conducted and revealed by the World Linguistic Society recently. And keeping in mind that Setswana is the national language of the nation, the business language stays to be English. During the English guideline, English was spread through the nation and it stays to be the official language till date. Initially, English and Africaan were made the official dialects after the first world war. In Ghana, There are eleven widely spoken languages in Ghana, but English remains the language of the State and its commonly used Lingua Franca. Today it’s seen as a more to other languages spoken. Sudanese women are friendly and attractive, plus English is widely spoken. Many African country subdivisions have also declared English an official language at the local or regional level. The English Language was introduced by the British in the colonial period. While Setswana is ordinarily spoken in this area, English remains the official language of the country. The World Linguistic Agency has rated 24 Best English Speaking Countries in Africa. The Gambia is one of the English speaking countries in West Africa. 51%) including 65,478,252 native speakers and 191,397,968 non-native speakers, and would be ranked 2nd if it were included. Initially, during Independence, English and Arabic were the Official Languages of South Sudan; later, Arabic was removed from the nation’s official language. Home » Blog » How many English-speaking countries are there in Africa? Though Ghana is regarded as an Anglophone nation, a majority of its populace still speak their native dialects. English was acquainted in the country and is used in the worldwide market, global business and communication. Ghana, like most other countries in West Africa, is a country with its official language as English. The history of English goes back in the 5th century A.D., when Germanic tribes had invaded Britain. After the colonization in Africa. Sunday Igboho Magical Powers, Net Worth and Biography. This article presents the Top 10 Countries with the Best Education Systems in Africa. English is an official language of Swaziland together with indigenous Swazi. How is Social Existence and National Development in Nigeria? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Due to the influence of the English language, none of their native tongues forms a distinctive mainstream. Other major languages include Mende, Temne, Kissi, Fula, Kono and Kuranko among others. The official language spoken in Nigeria is English. It has been since the British rule. While the most obvious forms of corruption may not scar citizens’ daily lives in all these places, the higher … The economy is primarily buoyed by bolstering exports, foreign investment, and tourism. Below is the list of top 101 English speaking countries in Africa. List of English Speaking Countries. It was therefore used in many sectors of government, education, business and social among others. Dealing with a range of social and cultural issues, from women’s rights and feminism to post-war and post-colonial identity, here are some of Africa’s best contemporary writers. According to reports, the study revelations have risen amid video from a Miss Rwanda contestant that was shown struggling with English in a country that made a move from Francophone to Anglophone. It joins the list of nations in Africa that communicate in English as the official language. But high-scoring countries can’t afford to be complacent, either. Best English Speaking Countries in Africa (Updated Full List). Rwanda is one of the smallest countries on the Africa continent. English is the official language for the Zambia’s, and it is always used in education and business communication. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. The first one is, “Which is the most English-speaking country (relative to it's population), Ghana or Nigeria?”. Top 10 Best English speaking countries in Africa. The answer to this is Ghana. The English language was spread in the country when the English took over from the Dutch during the 1800s. Uganda is seen as the best speaker of English language among the list of many Anglophone countries in Africa. Frequently Asked Questions Saint Helena is a small island located in the Atlantic ocean. Although English is the official Language of the people, Krio is the most widely spoken in the country. In Namibia, many languages are spoken. Check here to Subscribe to notifications for new posts. Teachers will find that despite the country’s tumultuous, political past, the Namibian people are very welcoming. Located in Southwestern Africa, Namibia is a melting pot of German and Southern African cultures. Nonetheless, the Sesotho – likewise an official language – is all the more broadly spoken in the nation. Due to the low language barrier, South Sudan is a good place to find an African girlfriend or wife. Botswana is another landlocked African country on our list. Thanks for clicking this article, Dear reader, before you glance through, kindly spare me few seconds of your precious time to follow me fore more news by clicking on the +follow on the right corner. 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